Reaching People. Reviving Hearts. Renewing Minds.
what to expect
what to expect
Reaching People. Reviving Hearts. Renewing Minds.
8:30 am - Legacy Service
Hymns, praise choruses, and a powerful message are enjoyed each Sunday in the Sanctuary! The Legacy Service is an encouraging and uplifting service that provides a traditional worship experience. Junior Church and Nursery are not available for this service at this time.
9:45 am - Sunday School
Sunday school is a time to dig deep into God's word and ask questions in an open and encouraging environment. Currently we offer a large adult class, 2 children's classes and a class for teens. Nursery is available. Children's check-in begins at 9:30.
10:30 am - Coffee Fellowship
Come grab a cup of coffee or tea and spend some time getting to know the West Park family!
11:00 am - Modern Service
Worship together around the tables in our Family Life Center! In the Modern Service you will notice a fun, upbeat song service, a unique service schedule, and an inspiring message from the Bible. Junior Church and Nursery are available. Children's check-in begins at 10:45.
7:00 - 8:00 pm - Bible Study Classes
Classes are available for all ages. All WP Kids (6th grade and under) meet in our children's wing. The West Park Youth Ministry (7th to 12th grade) meet in the second story just off of the Fellowship Hall. And don't worry Mom and Dad, there is something for you too - a Men's class, a Women's class and an Adult class are available. We end each evening at 8 with refreshments in the Fellowship Hall.